The Korea Drama Festival, first started in 2006, is an event celebrating Korean dramas—loved not only by Koreans, but by people all around the world. Marking its 5th anniversary, the Korea Drama Festival (2012) is set to take place in Jinju City for 14 days, running under the theme of ‘Like a dream, Like a star, & Like a drama! Season II.’
Main events include the Korea Drama Awards, the Drama OST Concert, and Drama Musical. Subsidiary events include drama exhibitions, hands-on experience programs, and cultural events that allow visitors to experience the true charm of Hallyu.
10.11.2014 ~ 10.12.2014
215, Gangnam-ro, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
경상남도 진주시 강남로 215 (칠암동)
Jinju-si area
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-55-755-2363~4 (Korean)
Referred to : KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION https://visitkorea.or.kr